How are social networking and games combined?
Games on Facebook have been hugely successful. Just look at the fact that there are more farmville players than twitter accounts. Facebook and farmville combine two big forms of entertainment, social and gaming. This creates a perfect niche for those of us who like to both be social and play games.
How is gaming evolving?
Playing a flash game online is very much different than popping quarters into a House of the Dead arcade machine. The rules of gaming have been turned upside down and now the most unconventional games come out on top. Many new games try to combine the physical world with the fantasy one. Guitar hero and the Kinect are two examples. This unorthodox juxtaposition has actually been wildly popular with the consumers, so it's pretty clear only ideas that are "out of the box" will thrive in todays market.Are gaming ideas limited to video games?
The whole idea of levels is appealing to many different fields, even school. For example, in classes students can be ranked in...classes. A student who is failing would regress back to an "Engineering newb apprentice" class while a student with an A+ would have the title "Grand Master Engineering Arch Wizard." A ranking system can be both fun and a good motivator, provided we all keep it class-y.
I love the idea of giving out "titles" based on grades. I'd like to hear more ideas from you regarding the "gamification" of class.